Submission Guidelines
- Please format the submission following the Authors Guidelines, which is available on - Please submit your regular paper on - Please click for downloading the session proposal form, and submit to the email address: and - All submissions will be evaluated by two independent reviewers with respect to their (a) relevance of the topics and potential for discussion, (b) originality, (c) academic quality and (d) clarity of exposition. - The proposed sessions are encouraged to be Perspectiveness, Diversification, Internationally and Interdisciplinary. - Author(s) of the accepted papers/sessions, or at least one of them, are required to register and present their work at the conference.
Registration Fee
RMB 1200 (Chinese Currency), including entrances to the sessions, badge, conference program, printed proceedings, coffee breaks, welcome reception, and meals during the conference. The registration fee will be paid at the conference registration desk. No Registration Fee for one student with one accepted paper.
The conference will compile a proceedings for reference, and the organizing committee will select and recommend the high-quality submitted papers to be published in CAER journal.
English. No simultaneous language interpretation will be provided.
We will award best papers presented at the conference and the most cited paper published in CAER. The award winner will receive a certificate and a RMB 5,000 prize.
For any information, please contact Dr. Yitian Xiao at and 86-10-6273 8685 (office).